Tools and calculators

All our free VELUX tools to help you choose the right solution.
Technical resources
Find easy-to-use installation guides and data sheets, BIM objects and CAD drawings as well as further reference material for your project.
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Dealer Extranet
With VELUX Dealer Extranet, you get access to a secure online ordering system to process and track orders, get quotations, and view account details.
Open Dealer Extranet
Roof window configurator
Quickly and easily put together your roof window solution or suitable heat protection and determine the price.
Configure roof window
Digital brand guidelines
The following guides allow you to use the VELUX trademark and brand name - correctly and in confidence - as part of your own marketing plans.
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VELUX daylight calculator – get the daylight ratio right
Discover the right number of VELUX roof windows to achieve the optimal daylight in your extension, renovation or loft conversion
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Daylight Visualizer
The VELUX Daylight Visualizer accurately calculates daylight levels to make complex analysis accessible at the start of a building project.
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Product Compliance
Find compliance documentation for VELUX products: Environmental Product Declarations (EPD), CE marking, Safety Data Sheets (SDS), biocide and battery information.
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