Conditions of Participation for the Competition

Win VELUX products for your roof window project

1. Organiser of the competition  

The organiser of this competition is VELUX Company Ltd. Company Number SC070286 registered with Companies House in the United Kingdom (henceforth: “organiser” or “VELUX”). Participation in the competition constitutes acceptance of the Conditions of Participation. 

2. Eligibility

2.1 Eligible to participate are natural persons with residency in the United Kingdom, who are at least 18 years of age, are consumers within the meaning of Section 2(3) of the Consumer Rights Act 20152) and are owners of the property in which the VELUX products available as prizes are to be installed (“participant”). 

2.2 Not eligible to participate in the competition are all persons involved in the planning and implementation of the competition and employees of the organiser as well as affiliated companies along with the relatives of such employees and their family members. By entering the competition the participants confirm that they are eligible to do so and can receive the prize. 

2.3 Only one submitted registration per participant takes part in the competition. It is strictly forbidden to use multiple registrations to increase the chance of winning. 

2.4 Furthermore, the organiser reserves the right to exclude persons from participation at its own discretion in case of justified reasons. Such reasons include: 

2.4.1 Manipulation in connection with access to the competition or its implementation 

2.4.2 Violations of these Conditions of Participation  

2.4.3 Unfair behaviour or 

2.4.4 False or misleading statements in connection with participation in the competition 

2.5 If the excluded participant has already been drawn as a winner, VELUX may subsequently revoke the prize. 

2.6 VELUX  will not accept registrations by third parties, organised groups or registrations automatically generated by a computer. Incomplete or evidently false registrations shall not be accepted.  

2.7 VELUX does not accept liability for lost or delayed entries, including by technological failure.

3. Participation  

3.1 In order to participate in the competition, participants must register. To do so, the participants must complete the online participation form truthfully and in full. Registration is free of charge and takes place via the online participation form at 

3.2 The following information must be provided for valid registration: first name, surname, email address, telephone number, project type, project schedule and information on the positive effect of installing VELUX windows in the home. 

3.3 Registration for the competition is possible from 19th August 2024 until 8th September 2024. 

3.4 The products may be ordered until 31st May 2025; installation must be completed by 31st August 2025 (see provisions under Point 4).  

3.5 By participating in the competition, the participant also accepts that their name and place of residence may be disclosed by the organiser on the VELUX website, by email and on social media in the event of a win. The participant may withdraw their consent for their personal information to be used in marketing for example, via email to 

4. Prizes, prize notification and provision of the prize 

4.1 Among all eligible participants, the organiser shall give away VELUX products worth up to £10,000 (incl. VAT) for installation in the property (apartment or house) of the winner. Any product choices are subject to availability and current pricing. 

4.2 Vario By VELUX products ( are excluded. 

Prize winners shall be determined within four weeks of the participation deadline by way of a random draw among all participants. The winner will then be contacted by the organiser by telephone or email. Any decision on the winner will be final, subject to Clauses 4.5 and 4.6. 

4.3 Only eligible participants shall be considered in the prize draw. 

4.4 If the participant who won fails to respond to the organiser after two requests by email or telephone within a period of five business days (Monday to Friday), the claim to the prize shall be forfeited. In this case, the organiser is permitted to draw a substitute winner and hand over the prize to another participant.  

4.5 The winner must order the products directly from VELUX by 31st May 2025 at the latest. Once the winner is determined, a contact will be disclosed to the winner. If the products are not ordered within the aforementioned period, the claim to the prize shall be forfeited. In this case, the organiser is permitted to draw a substitute winner and hand over the prize to another participant.  

4.6 The prize shall only be handed over to the participant who won, a legal representative or a third party demonstrably authorised to take receipt of the prize.  

4.7 Exchange, assignment, self-collection or cash payment of the prize are not possible. The organiser shall assume any costs incurred in shipping the prizes. 

4.8 The risk shall be transferred to the participant upon handover of the prize to a delivery person. The organiser is not responsible for delivery damages. Additional costs associated with the use of the prize shall be borne by the winner. The participant who won the prize is responsible for the possible taxation of the prize.  

4.9 The winner undertakes to install the products by 31st August 2025 and to inform VELUX of the completed installation.  

4.10 Installation of the products is not included in the prize. However, the winner may spend up to £3,000 (incl. VAT) as part of the prize for installation, leaving up to £7,000 (incl. VAT) remaining for VELUX products. The winner is responsible for any additional costs related to the installation. 

4.11 If the winner wishes to use the aforementioned amount to pay for installation, the tradesperson must submit an invoice directly to the organiser. The final amount should include VAT.  

4.12 The winner is responsible for the installation of the products won. The organiser is neither authorised nor obligated to refer a tradesperson to the winner for installation.  

4.13 During the implementation of the construction project, the winner shall remain in contact with VELUX throughout the construction project, such that VELUX can ensure that the schedule is observed and the conditions of participation are met.  

4.14 Only one prize per participant is possible. Insofar as circumstances occur for which the organiser is not responsible, the respective participant who won shall accept a suitable substitute prize.  

4.15 The organiser reserves the right to carry out any necessary checks regarding the identity and the postal address and/or email address of the participants. 

5. End of the competition  

The organiser reserves the right to terminate the competition in whole or part prematurely at any time, even without observing notice periods and without prior announcement and without stating reasons, or to alter its process if it is not possible for technical reasons (e.g. computer virus, manipulation of software/hardware or errors in software/hardware) or legal reasons to guarantee the proper and orderly implementation of the competition. 

6. Documentation of the construction project; rights of use to photographs/videos  

6.1 The winner of the competition shall permit the organiser to document the construction project associated with the prize following receipt of the prize, in the form of videos and photographs, both during the installation of the products and afterwards. 

6.2 To this end, the winner shall enable the organiser to visit the installation project for one or two workdays by agreement and permits the organiser to take photographs and videos during the visit in order to document the project and to use the photographs/videos for advertising purposes.  

6.3 In order to carry out documentation, the winner shall grant the VELUX Group (VELUX A/S and all its subsidiaries and affiliated companies) their irrevocable consent, without restriction in terms of time or content, to the worldwide commercial and non-commercial use of the photographs and videos for the marketing of the VELUX Group and its products in all known and unknown types of use and at any time in all forms and media, which the VELUX Group considers appropriate or necessary. The VELUX Group has the right to use, duplicate, adjust, modify, exhibit, appropriate and assign the photographs and videos in any context and for as long as the VELUX Group determines according to its own discretion. In particular, the right of use encompasses the right to duplicate and distribute in all media and formats, the right to make publicly accessible (online/Internet, on demand, on websites, in social media channels, etc.), the right to print, the right to video and the right to edit and otherwise transform, in particular for digitisation and electronic image editing. VELUX is permitted to use the photographs and videos also in edited form, as extracts or in connection with other works, whether they are copyright protected or not. The VELUX Group may also assign the right to sales partners and other partners of the VELUX Group.  

6.4 The winner agrees that - insofar as they can be seen in the photographs - the photographs of his person may be used as described and for the purposes stated and gives VELUX their consent to do so. The winner also agrees that their name may be published in connection with the material from the shoot.  

7. Data protection  

7.1 The provision of personal data (see above in 3.2) is necessary for participation in the competition. The participant gives their assurance that the personal information they provide, in particular regarding first name, surname, email address, postal address and date of birth, is truthful and correct.  

7.2 The processing of personal data of participants and winners, including the analysis of the registration, prize draw, contact in connection with prize notification, documentation of the construction project, publication of the winner on the VELUX website and social media channels of VELUX, shall take place in connection with the implementation of this competition agreement according to these Conditions of Participation and its initiation. The legal basis is Article 6 (1b) GDPR. . 

7.3 VELUX is permitted to send advertising to the end customer by email for its own similar offers. The end customer may object to the processing of data for these purposes at any time, such as by clicking the unsubscribe button in emails received or via the email address  

7.4 VELUX processes personal data of participants and winners in compliance with the Privacy Policy, which also contains information on the erasure of personal data and the rights of data subjects. The VELUX Privacy Policy can be found here: Privacy Policy | VELUX. The Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time and participants should check for these updates. 

8. Liability 

8.1 VELUX reserves the right to interrupt or terminate the competition at any time, taking into account the interests of the participants, or to exclude individual participants, in particular if technical reasons make it impossible to continue the competition properly, if there is suspicion of misuse of the competition or if the interruption or termination is necessary for legal reasons. 

8.2 VELUX accepts no liability for the proper and uninterrupted functioning of the websites via which registration for the competition is possible, and in particular accepts no liability for any overloading of these websites. 

8.3 VELUX accepts no liability for damages incurred in connection with participation. VELUX shall not be liable for damages incurred by the participant, winner or third parties due to errors, delays or interruptions in data transmission, malfunctions of the technical systems and services and for incorrect content, loss or deletion of data due to viruses. This exclusion of liability shall not apply in the event of willful intent or gross negligence or in the event of injury to life or limb. 

8.4 Subject to applicable law and other statutory rights VELUX does not accept liability for loss or damage caused by the prize being accepted.  

8.5 VELUX accepts no liability for the compatibility of the products selected by the winner for the winner's building project. The winner is solely responsible for the selection and installation of the products. 

9. Final provisions  

9.1 In addition to these Conditions of Participation, the General Terms of Business of VELUX and the Guarantee Terms of VELUX apply.  

9.2 Should a provision of these Conditions of Participation be or become invalid in whole or part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining Conditions of Participation. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a legally permissible provision that comes as close as possible to the intended economic meaning and purpose of the invalid provision. The same accordingly applies in the event of an omission in these Conditions of Participation. 

9.3 Questions and complaints in relation to the competition should be addressed to the organiser. The competition of the organiser is subject exclusively to English law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.